The Youth Bridge Development Organization in partnership with Tahreer Association and 15 other partner organizations with the support of the Norwegian People’s Aid Organization and generous funding from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to implement the project in the targeted areas within the governorate Nineveh (Sinjar district, Al-Qayrawan district, Al-Ayadiyah district, Al-Qayyarah district, Al-Shura district and Hammam Al-Alil district) with Youth Bridge’s focus in Qairawan sub-district working in particular, social integration, and the prevention of violent extremism in these regions.
This project is based on direct work with local communities and building their capacities to reduce congestion, transform conflicts, and prevent violent extremism in order to contribute to strengthening social cohesion, facilitating the safe and voluntary return and reintegration of displaced persons, and deterring extremist attitudes and behaviors.



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