The project Supporting Local Advocacy: Sinjar Artists seeks to highlight community issues through art/cultural events. The Youth Bridge Organization (YBO) involves artists in Sinjar to facilitate community consultations and highlight community issues through art/cultural events to advocate for their rights and their community rights through their artistic work including poets, singers, painters, sculptors, musicians, and any other artistic talents. Sinjar is a volatile district in northwest Iraq, where it saw large displacements to other parts of Iraq and outside the country and witnessed atrocities and widespread destruction during the conflict. The Youth Bridge Organization (YBDO),is with strong past performance and a strong network within the Sinjar community and good working relations with local authorities to conduct the implementation including outreach and community engagement per the activity design. This activity will help increase positive perception of civic engagement. 


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Promoting Stability, Well-being, Dignity, and Safety of Conflict-Affected Populations and Gender-Based Violence Survivors
Promoting Community Stability and Empowering Youth in Sinjar