After successfully organizing a dialogue session in the Qairawan Sub-District, the Youth Bridge Organization, in collaboration with the Qairawan District Education Directorate, accomplished another milestone by hosting an extraordinary artistic event at the Martyr Ismail Talib School grounds 

The event garnered significant attention from the Qairawan Sub-District, attracting over seventy distinguished individuals who attended the festival.

The ceremony featured a diverse range of activities, including singing, poetry recitations, folk dances, and an exhibition of paintings by the participants. 

In conclusion, the people of Qairawan Sub-District expressed their delight in this splendid artistic gathering, recognizing its significance as an important opportunity for young people to enjoy themselves while also encouraging them to develop their skills and channel their youthful energy towards serving their communities.

The participation of girls in this event was particularly noteworthy, as it emphasized the importance of such opportunities in ensuring their rights and enabling their presence in all aspects of life.

In response, the people of Qairawan Sub-District urged the members of the Youth Bridge Organization, school administrators, and parents to actively nurture and support any emerging youth talents and energies, fostering an environment that would contribute to future community development.

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Discussion Session with Artists in Qairawan Sub-District
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