The Youth Bridge Development Organization conducted three interactive discussion sessions as part of the project titled “Promoting Stability, Well-being, Dignity, and Safety of Conflict-Affected Populations and Gender-Based Violence Survivors.” These sessions focused on community integration in the towns of Tel_qasab and Tel_banat, located in the Qairawan district.

The primary objective of these sessions was to facilitate meaningful dialogue and gather valuable insights on the current state of coexistence among the people of Sinjar. Participants were encouraged to share their opinions and provide data regarding their perspectives on the return of families associated with ISIS.

By fostering open and inclusive discussions, the organization aimed to gain a comprehensive understanding of the community’s sentiments and concerns. This information will serve as a crucial resource for informing future initiatives and policies aimed at promoting social harmony, stability, and the overall well-being of conflict-affected populations and survivors of gender-based violence.

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