The Youth Bridge Organization initiated a compelling art exhibition in Kojo village, titled ‘With Our Brushes, We Stand in Solidarity with You.’ This event is part of our broader project, ‘Promoting Stability, Wellbeing, Dignity, and Safety of Conflict-affected Population and SGBV Survivors aims to support the stability in south and west Nineveh and assess the needs of each targeted location funded by the Dutch government.

The primary objective of this exhibition is to foster communication and solidarity among individuals through the medium of art while drawing attention to the tragic history of Kocho village. Kocho endured unspeakable suffering when it fell victim to genocide on August 15, 2014, following a harrowing 12-day siege by the terrorist organization ISIS.

The exhibition featured the poignant artworks of numerous local artists who conveyed the anguish of Kocho village and the profound psychological and social repercussions of this brutal conflict on the Yazidi community and the broader social fabric of Sinjar. These artworks bear witness to the transformative and humanizing potential of art as a vehicle for expressing trauma and suffering.

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