The project aims to Promote the active participation of women and young people from civil society in peace processes and nonviolent conflict transformation in Italy, the Middle East and North Africa in line with Resolution 1325 and by supporting the implementation of the NAP of Italy (2020- 2024).

Specific objectives:

  1. Capacity building of civil society organizations. Facilitate the exchange of expertise and experience among CSOs engaged in the project to strengthen their skills and competences in implementing gender- based peace-building activities and strengthen the regional network informally created in previous projects .
  2. Peace Action and Campaigning . Provide support to the action of women peace-builders of civil society organizations for the implementation of nonviolent conflict transformation interventions within the community they belong to; build – on the basis of their concrete experience – a series of recommendations for the greater involvement of women from civil society in peace processes, with which to support the development and implementation of the respective national NAPs.
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