Sinjar district in western Ninewa province was affected by the ISIS attacks in Sinjar during the genocide campaign against Yezidis in 2014, is requires long-term civil society engagement to empower local communities and enable them to be effective advocates for the needs of the community including reconciliation and constructive youth engagement. So, as part of the Youth Bridge Organization’s strategy to monitor and document the status of the public services in Sinjar, it extended its 2019 project of “To promote civic engagement and improve governance in post-ISIS Sinjar” with its donor National Endowment for Democracy (NED) for another entire year from 2020-2021 to continue documenting the needs of the Sinjar community after the liberation of the area. 

During this project, the Youth Bridge Organization trained more volunteers from the community to join the previous year’s volunteer team and trained the team in two three-day training workshops to expose new volunteers and trainees from last year to civic values, leadership skills, communication skills, advocacy techniques, monitoring, and documentation skills. Youth Bridge included trainees from last year to polish their skills and have them share experiences.


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