The situation in Iraq regarding the rights of women and gender-based violence has been worsening since 2003, due to the increasing sense of insecurity that affects mainly women. 

The percentage of women’s participation in the workforce is still meager (under 20%) but the new 2015 Iraqi Labour Code guarantees the best level of protection for working women in the entire Middle East (from harassment in the workplace to maternity etc.). Iraq was the first Arab country to approve a national action plan for Res. 1325. It was approved in 2014, thanks to the positive work and the pressure exercised by associationism, but the plan remains under-financed and not implemented. Moreover, similar to NAP, this project focuses on the condition of women and female minors in conflict and post-conflict situations in fragile States, involving them as survivors of violence and agents of change.

The project is coherent with the UNSCR 2242 (2015) adopted in October 2015 and which takes into consideration the existing challenges in working with women, peace, and security, such as violent extremism, internally displaced people (IDPs), and refugees. YBDO with funding from the Italian government and UPP partnership and several other partners implemented this project in 4 different areas of Iraq and Lebanon. 


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