The Sinjar region bears the enduring psychological scars of the ISIS war and the Yezidi genocide, leaving many in dire need of essential psycho-social support (PSS) to help them navigate the ongoing trauma affecting their daily lives. From July to August 2023, our “Inclusion and Empowerment Center” reached out to over 70 individuals, with a significant focus on women, delivering a range of vital PSS services, including both one-on-one and group sessions, counseling, and awareness. Additionally, the center facilitated referral for over 90 individuals with government and civil institutions to ensure they receive the necessary support. Our center in Sinjar boasts a specialized team of experts in counseling and psychological support, dedicated to providing top-tier assistance.

For those in Sinjar seeking these crucial services, please visit our center in the Rosh Halat neighborhood, near the Rosh Halat Neighborhood Health Center, during our regular operating hours. We are open five days a week, from 8 am to 5 pm.

It’s important to recognize that this center is an integral component of the broader initiative, “Promoting Stability and Empowering Youth in Sinjar,” led by the Sinjar Consortium for Local Organizations, generously supported by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and funded by the Dutch government. Together, we are steadfast in our commitment to offering the support and resources necessary for healing and empowerment in our community.

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