The closing ceremony of the project “Promoting Community Stability and Empowering Youth in Sinjar,” which was implemented by the Sinjar Consortium for Local Organizations with support from the International Organization for Migration (#IOM) and funding from the Dutch government, under the leadership of the Youth Bridge Organization and in partnership with We Are With You Organization, Sinjar Academy, and Al_Bassma Organization. The ceremony witnessed a distinguished presence of political figures and civil society activists. It included a dialogue session with the participation of Jamal Al-Shasho and Aidan Sheikh Kalo, members of the Nineveh Provincial Council, in addition to the activist Dr. Mirza Dnay. The Nineveh Provincial Council plans were discussed to support achieving stability in Sinjar and forming the Sinjar Administration and solving the problems of the return of the displaced and the efforts of the international community to support Yezidis and achieve stability. The challenges facing survivors in the process of integrating with society were also discussed. The second session was held for members of the community network that was formed within this project, with the participation of Khaled Hussein, Director of Qairawan Education Department , and Rana Hassan Qasaki, Assistant Director of Sinjar Municipality, to discuss the impact and importance of the project. The ceremony included a comprehensive presentation of the project activities by the project manager and the partners. In-depth discussions discussed the challenges facing stability, including the issue of the return of displaced persons, compensation and management, and highlighted everyone’s efforts in achieving stability and strengthening the local community in Sinjar


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Green Schools -Green Environment in Sinjar
Sinjar Community Network