After the return of the people to Sinjar in the last few years, the Sinjar youth started to form volunteering center to help and support the returnees and assist them to clean their houses and lead many other campaigns in their villages and complexes. So, Youth Bridge Organization (YBDO) sees these voluntary groups and centers as a tool to advocate for the rights of the people in Sinjar because they are from the community and knowledgeable about all the issues they have and their needs. As part of the project “Involving Local Leaders and Youth in Combating GBV and Advocating for the Right to Education in Sinjar” and with funding from European Union and in partnership with UPP within “Tatweer ” project, YBDO conducted three training workshops for the members of the youth groups in Sinjar area to train and educate them on how to use photography to advocate for the community and bring their issues to the public to seek solutions. These youth were trained on how to do advocacy through videos and photos with small cameras and mobile phones. as well as they were trained on how to do montage and other video editing skills to do their jobs professionally.


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Combating GBV in Sinjar through community leaders/YBDO-UPP
Discussion session with Yezidi youth/YBDO-EED