On September 30, 2022, the Youth Bridge Development Organization (YBDO) concluded the third day of the third workshop within the YB_BCDS project with the participation of a number of media professionals and activists. 

The YBDO believed that to create change in communities and move any cause for any vulnerable community like Yezidi, activists, and journalists always play a major role to do so. Therefore, a three-day workshop was delivered to a number of civil society activists and journalists to identify their needs and challenges when it comes to covering topics on the Yezidi cause. As part of the workshops, YBDO also hosted some influential Yezidi activists and journalists online like Murad Ismail, Saman Dawood, Barakat Issa, and Mirza Deny, to share their experiences with the participants and encourage them to continuously work for their community until justice is served. 

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Discussion Session with Media Professionals and Activists/YBDO-EED
Freedom of Opinion and Expression Workshops/YBDO-IBB