Planting trees of hope for a sustainable future in Sinjar

Within the framework of its project “Promoting Stability and Empowering in Sinjar,” the Sinjar Consortium for Local Organizations conducted a noteworthy initiative to plant trees in 11 schools, engaging over 300 students from various areas of Sinjar, including Sinjar center, Qairawan sub-district, and Qahtaniyah sub-district.

The ultimate goal of this initiative is to cultivate a green and sustainable future within schools, fostering environmental awareness among the young generation. By actively involving over 300 students, we aim to instill a sense of responsibility, making them pioneers of change in their communities.

As we sow the seeds of change, we eagerly anticipate the growth and flourishing of these trees, mirroring the aspirations of our students. The shade provided by these trees serves as a powerful symbol of the hope we hold for a better and more sustainable Sinjar.

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