Within the “Building peaceful Futures in Sinjar” project, the Youth Bridge Organization delivered 3 workshops on 28, 29, and 30 March 2022, to promote the concept of peace-building and social cohesions. One workshop on the role of women in peace processes and resolving conflicts for two days under the title “Women Peace Makers”. One workshop on the role of journalists and civil society activists in “combating hate speech” aims to enhance their knowledge in promoting community stability, peacebuilding, and how to combat hate speech through social media platforms. And a third workshop on the role of the community leaders and influential community figures in building a cohesive society and promoting inclusion within the Sinjar area, where different religious groups live together. 

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Public Dialogue Sessions with Community Members and Local Authorities Representatives in Sinjar/YBDO-NED
Meeting with the officials and government employees/YBDO-NED