In order to strengthen the cooperation and build bridges of trust between the Yezidi community, and putting a mechanism for finding sustainable solutions to the outstanding problems in the Yezidi areas and the risks facing their future in Iraq. As part of preparing the Youth Bridge Organization strategy 2023-2025, the Youth Bridge Organization, funded by the European Endowment for Democracy in 2022-2023, implemented many dialogue and discussion sessions and workshops with various segments and groups of society, starting with political and religious leaders, political parties representatives, military leaders, academics, businessmen, youth, representatives of civil society organizations, women, victims, media institutions, male and female activists,  and feminists in order to understand more in depth their needs, identify their problems, build a unified vision regarding the Yezidi issue, preserve their identity and redress their legitimate rights.


As part of the activities planned by the organization and as a main demand of the participants in the dialogue sessions and workshops is the organization of a forum that brings together Yezidi representative in political parties, representatives of the Yezidi leadership, and representatives of the community at one table to come out with unified demands that satisfy the Yezidi community in Iraq in light of the systematic policies that threaten their future and deprive them


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Yezidi New Year 2023Yezidi New Year Revival
Discussion Session with Artists in Qairawan Sub-District