In 2021, and within the project of “Women Challenging War” and as part of the implementation of the Italian NAP, Youth Bridge Organization delivered 7 seminars to raise the awareness of the youth and women about what is 1325, women, peace, and security, why it was billed and activated in so many countries. People experienced war violence and trauma of the genocide, specifically Yezidis in Sinjar still do not have any idea about what 1325 Resolution is and how it contributes to creating a peaceful society where women are protected, and their participation in the decision-making process can prevent violent actions like wars and conflicts. The all seven seminars in different areas of Sinjar districts including the ones who recently returned to the villages of Til-Qassab and Til-Banat focused mainly on targeting young people from different sexual identities to be aware of such important resolution that protect them and make them part of their societies.

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Rehabilitation of Zeravky School/YBDO-USAID
Hygiene Promotion sessions/YBDO-SCI