The Youth Bridge Organization within the Affidato project, carries out  vital awareness sessions on reproductive  health including ANC & Breast feeding in the village of Til-l-Banat and surrounding complexes and villages , located within Sinjar district. Our primary goal is to enhance the community’s self-care capabilities, promote healthier lifestyles, and mitigate health risks. The Sinjar community endured unimaginable violence during the conflict, and following its liberation, their focus shifted toward rebuilding and aiding returning residents who had experienced displacement. Through the “Program for Resilience and Return in Nineveh Governorate through an Integrated Approach in Education, Health, Socio-Cultural sectors,” funded by AICS, we are steadfastly supporting the resilient Til-Banat community in their journey toward recovery and progress.

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Community Network second Training Workshop
Retreat in Tunis