From September to December 31, 2021, More than 300 school students were targeted in the educational courses conducted in the YBDO community center in Sinjar, which were provided for school students in the YBDO community center including English 3rd grade-Intermediate school, English conversation, English grammar, English 6th grade preparatory school /Kurdish, Math 6th grade -primary School, Math 6th grade -primary School, physics 6th-grade preparatory school, and Literacy courses. In the English conversation courses, we depended on the Interchange textbooks as it was suggested by NRC. This was a general course aimed to improve and enhance the skills of the students in English. The English grammar courses were based on the textbook from the Directorate of Education to support the students with their courses as they do not have English teachers at their schools. Thus, both Math and Physics courses were opened to support the primary and preparatory students with their textbooks as they did not have teaching staff in both topics at their schools, and we depended on the Directorate of Education textbooks for both courses. The literacy courses were opened based on the demands of the illiterate women from Sinjar for teaching them the basics of reading and writing skills All these courses’ direct beneficiaries were students, who are already attending schools in Sinjar, but they do not have teaching staff for these topics that mentioned, this is why we opened educational courses based on the Directorate of Education textbooks to teach them these topics and improve their performance at school and enhance their educational skills. 

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Women Leadership Workshops WCW Project/YBDO-UPP
Vocational courses for Women and Youth in Sinjar/YBDO-NRC