Witnin the project of “Welcome Home: Water Support for Returning Families”, the Youth Bridge Organization also distributed potable water for the period of three months after the distribution of the water tanks to support the recent returnees resettle in their homes after years of displacement in Kurdistan Region. 8 areas of Sinjar district benefited from this service in Til-Qasab, Til-Banat, Solagh area, Til-Azir, Sinjar center, Ramboosy, Qapoosy, Hatimia, and Al-Safo village.

This was an emergency support for the returnees as the water system in all the targeted areas were destroyed during the ISIS control of the area in 2014, and water is the most essential basicss of living for the families. This service also helped the families to not buy the water and get it for free until they settled in their homes and started to get on their feet. 


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Educational Activities in Shakaw Primary School/YBDO-USAID