From September to December 31, 2021, Different awareness community campaigns and public events were also held during the implementation of the project including a Health awareness campaign about Cholera, anti-corruption training for YBDO for staff, a public event about 16 days of activism for the elimination of violence against women, first aid training, Peace and Security Training, Early Marriage workshop, Youth peace, and security, inclusion, and peace…. Etc. All these topics are crucial to be introduced to the community and raise their awareness as they are some of the main issues in the community. For example, early marriage is becoming a very common issue among the teenager specifically young girls in the Sinjar community, this is why we found it an urgent topic to be presented and introduced to teenage girls in order to raise their awareness about this topic and discourage young girls to drop out school and marry in a very young age while encouraging them to pursue their goals and ambitions through education and school and wait until they complete at least high school. 

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Formation of 5 Community Committees/ YBDO-NRC
Sinjar First Conference under the title "Women’s Role in Transitional Justice"/YBDO-UPP