
Project of rehabilitating and equipping Sinjar Sports Club and sports hall and supporting sports activities for youth in Sinjar

The war with ISIS destroyed the infrastructure in Sinjar including the Sinjar sports club and sports hall, which was the only sports complex in the Sinjar area, and which consisted of the sports club building and sports hall. In this sports complex, youth were practicing so many sports activities. However, due to the destruction and burning of the complex, youth specifically who were interested in sports activities lost their athletic future, and their sports talents were greatly affected, in addition, the bonds that gathered young people in sports clubs were also affected negatively. Therefore, the Youth Bridge Organization, with funding from the United States Agency for International Development, implemented the “Sport it Up! Supporting the Sports Hall of Youth and sports directorate in Sinjar” project, which is considered the most important project for youth inclusion in the region and is one of the most critical projects in the region in general, as it contributed to the re-formation of the various sports teams and the establishment of activities within the club, and the restructuring of the club’s structure which was disintegrated and erratic. 

The project included various activities, including rehabilitating and fully equipping the building, rehabilitating and equipping the gym, and supporting sports activities for youth in the Sinjar district. 

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Empowerment and Community Inclusion Center
To Promote Civic engagement and improve Governance in post ISIS Sinjar 2019