The old village of Til-Banat is one of the largest villages located near the Yazidi-majority Til-Banat village within the borders of the Qairawan sun district. As a result of the terrorist attack by ISIS on the Yazidi areas, the people of the village abandoned and fled to the mountain, and hundreds of the village residents were kidnapped and enslaved and tens were murdered among them the Mukhtar of the village and his son. The fate of hundreds of them is still the unknown majority of the women and children.  

After the liberation of these areas, about 260 families returned to the village, and their children were deprived of education. It was difficult to reach schools outside the village, as it cost them huge amounts of money and it is difficult for families who are still looking for recovery from displacement and displacement to pay. Some of these children stayed with their relatives in the camps even after their families returned because they did not have school in their village. 

Therefore, the Youth Bridge Organization, with funding from the United States Agency for International Development, decided to fully rehabilitate and equip the village school, which contributed to the return of education to the village and the return of teaching staff from displacement. The project contributed to the return of many families and the return of the school administration; in addition to creating a safe environment for children to complete their education.

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Empowerment and integration of youth in the private sector/YBDO-CCFD
Building Peaceful Futures in Sinjar - YBDO and SCI